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LG Refrigerator Compressors

McKenzie Lake Lawyers is pursuing a class action against LG Electronics Canada on behalf of all Canadians who purchased, other than for resale, an LG refrigerator between January 30, 2014 and the date that this class action is certified.

UPDATE: June 27, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Settlement of the class action lawsuit against LG Electronics Canada, Inc. (“LG”), Prins v LG Electronics Canada, Inc. (Court File No. CV-21-00000810-00CP), has been approved by the Court.

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice approved the Settlement on May 27, 2024, and Settlement Class Members are now able to make a Claim for compensation under the Settlement.

Settlement Approval Notice and Claims Process


Settlement Class Members who wish to claim compensation under the Settlement Agreement must complete the Claim Form and provide the necessary supporting evidence (as listed on the Claim Form) on or before October 25, 2024.

A copy of the Claim Form and other court documents can be found on the Settlement website:

Settlement Class Members

You are a Settlement Class Member if you are a Canadian resident who purchased, from LG Canada or an authorized retailer, other than for resale, a Covered Model of LG Refrigerator produced between January 30, 2014, and May 27, 2024. Some exceptions apply.

The Covered Models of LG Refrigerators are listed below.

LBNC15241* LDCS24223* LFCS25663* LFCS28768* LFCS31626* LFX25978* LFXS28566* LFXS28968* LFXS30796* LFXS32766* LMX28988*LMXC23746* LMXC23796* LMXS28626* LMXS30776* LMXS30796* LPXS30866* LRFXS2503* LRMNC1813* LSFXC2476* LSFXC2496* UPFXC2466*

* The asterisk next to each Covered Model number indicates the colour suffix that attaches to a model number.

LG has agreed to pay cash payments to Settlement Class Members who experienced one or more No-Cooling Events within two years of purchase of a Covered Model.

If your Covered Model experienced a No-Cooling Event within two (2) years of purchase, or in the case of multiple No-Cooling Events other than the first No-Cooling Event, within three (3) years of purchase, you can receive cash payments under the Settlement if:

  1. you paid for parts or labour to have your Covered Model repaired;
  2. you had multiple repairs;
  3. you had delayed repairs;
  4. you suffered property loss or property damage, including any flooring damage, spoiled food, beverages, medicine, or other perishables attributable to a No-Cooling Event with your Covered Model; and/or,
  5. you disposed of or replaced your Covered Model because of one or more No-Cooling Events.

If you do not wish to participate in the Settlement, and you want to maintain your individual rights, you must remove yourself by completing an Opt-Out From and sending it to the Settlement Administrator no later than the Opt-Out Deadline of August 26, 2024.

For more information about the Settlement, including how to make a Claim and answers to frequently asked questions, contact Christina Noble, Law Clerk ( or the Settlement Administrator:

LG Refrigerators Settlement in Canada Administrator
c/o Epiq Class Action Services Canada Inc.
P.O. Box 507 STN B
Ottawa, ON  K1P 5P6

Phone (toll-free): 1-833-971-2393

Settlement Agreement (disponible en anglais seulement)
Notice (Settlement Approval) (English)
Avis (d’approbation du Règlement) (Français)
Order (Settlement Approval) (disponible en anglais seulement)
Order (Fees Approval) (disponible en anglais seulement)
Opt-Out Form (English)
Formulaire de retrait (Français)

UPDATE: November 22, 2023

We are pleased to announce that a proposed Settlement has been reached in the LG Refrigerator Compressors Class Action, Prins v LG Electronics Canada, Inc. (Court File No. CV-21-00000810-00CP).

The lawsuit alleges that certain models of LG Refrigerators (Covered Models) suffer from a defect that can cause them to stop cooling. The term No-Cooling Event in this notice means any event when your Covered Model LG Refrigerator failed to maintain temperature levels necessary to preserve food, beverages, medicine, or other perishables. None of the allegations made in the lawsuit have been proven and LG Electronics Canada, Inc. (LG Canada) has not been found liable for any of the claims raised in this lawsuit. The parties have instead proposed a settlement in order to avoid lengthy litigation.

Settlement Agreement

Notice of Settlement Approval Hearing

Before the Settlement can be implemented, it must be approved by the Court. The Court will consider if it is fair, reasonable and in the best interests of class members. The Settlement Approval Hearing is scheduled for March 6, 2024, at 10:00am EST by videoconference.

If you want to participate and make a claim in the Settlement, if it is approved, you do NOT need to take any steps at this time. A Notice will be sent to you after the approval with instructions on how to file a claim in the Settlement (including accessing Claim Forms and deadlines, etc.)


Objection Deadline: January 22, 2024

If you do not think the Settlement is fair, reasonable, or in the best interests of the Class Members, you can submit an objection for the Court to consider at the approval hearing. If you wish to make an objection, you must do so in writing before January 22, 2024. Written objections are to be sent to the Settlement Administrator at:

LG Refrigerators Settlement in Canada Administrator

c/o Epiq Class Action Services Canada Inc.

PO Box 507 STN B

Ottawa ON K1P 5P6

Phone:             833-971-2393




You will have the opportunity to exclude yourself or Opt-Out of the Settlement following the Settlement Approval Hearing, if the Settlement is approved by the Court. To exclude yourself or Opt-Out from the Settlement, you will be required to deliver the completed Opt-Out Form to the Administrator by the Opt-Out Deadline, which will be posted to this website following the Settlement Approval Hearing, if the Settlement is approved by the Court.

For more information with respect to this action or the Claim Process, please contact the Settlement Administrator or Class Counsel at:

Settlement Administrator
LG Refrigerators Settlement in Canada Administrator c/o Epiq Class Action Services Canada Inc. PO Box 507 STN B Ottawa ON K1P 5P6 Email: Phone: 833-971-2393 Website:

Note: The Claims process will not begin unless/until the Settlement is approved by the Court. 

The refrigerators purchased during this time contain defective linear compressors which are prone to failure, making the refrigerator unable to cool and freeze food.

See our Statement of Claim.

Please contact us if you are an affected owner. You can reach us at 1-844-672-5666 or email us at .