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Syngenta Corn Class Action

On September 29, 2021, McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP was successful before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in certifying the corn growers proceeding against Syngenta to move forward as a class action on behalf of all corn growers in Canada who priced their corn for sale after November 18, 2013.
In 2010 and 2013, respectively, Syngenta Canada Inc. and Syngenta AG marketed and sold two genetically modified corn seeds under the brand names “Agrisure Viptera” and “Agrisure Duracade” both of which included a new insect-resistant genetic trait called “MIR 162”. As alleged in this litigation, Syngenta sold these two genetically modified corn seeds in North America prior to obtaining import approval in China. Once China detected MIR 162 in North American corn exports, China began rejecting North American corn. This resulted in a glut of corn on the North American market and a consequent decrease in corn prices. As alleged in this litigation, Syngenta’s premature commercialization of “Agrisure Viptera” and Agrisure Duracade” caused economic damages to all corn growers in Canada who priced their corn for sale after November 18, 2013.
Class Members who want to participate in the class action are automatically included and need not do anything at this time. The Class Proceeding Act provides that no Class Member, other than the representative class member, will incur liability for legal costs if the action is dismissed. Each Class Member who does not opt out of the class action will be bound by the terms of any judgment or settlement and will not be allowed to pursue or continue an independent action with respect to these issues. If the class action is successful, Class Members may be entitled to share in the amount of any award or settlement recovered.
A copy of Justice Rady’s decision dated September 29, 2021 can be found at the following here.
Please visit the Syngenta Corn Class Action page for more information.
Any questions can be directed to Class Counsel, McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP at 1-844-672-5666 or