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Child Support & Spousal Support
After a separation, support issues are common, whether they are child support, spousal support, or both. We can help you determine what you and your children are legally entitled to so you can make informed choices.
Child Support
After a separation or divorce, children are entitled to support from both their parents, which is based primarily on the payor’s annual income and the number of children involved. Typically, the parent with whom the children reside with most of the time will be owed monthly child support from the other parent. If parents share approximately equal physical custody of the children, both parents are required to pay child support to one another based on their annual incomes, resulting in a “set-off” amount of child support to the parent with the lower income. Additional financial contributions from the parents may be required for educational expenses such as tuition, childcare expenses, medical expenses, and extracurricular expenses.
Spousal Support
Spousal support is financial support paid by one spouse to the other. Spousal support is not owed in every situation. It is based on either compensation (for instance if one spouse was economically disadvantaged by the role they assumed in the relationship) or on need (where one spouse has a need for support). Usually spousal support is paid in cases where there is a disparity between the incomes of the two spouses. The amount and duration of spousal support is based on many factors; once an entitlement to it is established; including the age of both parties; length of the relationship; roles assumed during the relationship; whether child support is also being paid; and the incomes of both parties. Both common law and married spouses have rights to spousal support.
Contact Us
If you have questions about support issues, please contact a member of our team by email or by telephone at (519) 672-5666 or Get Started Online. If corresponding by email, be sure to include your name and telephone number.